I Saw a Psychic for Career Advice

Tiara Swain
4 min readJul 11, 2021


Since I can remember I have struggled to find my purpose in life. Everyone around me had chosen a path and stuck to it, as a result accumulating five or more years of experience in a specific field. This has not been the case for me — moving from one thing to another, jumping ship as soon as I become comfortable, and never really finding anything that feeds my soul. Even when I had well-paying salary jobs with benefits, I was turned off by the nine to five slog. No matter the amount they paid me I couldn’t ignore the fact that every day felt like groundhog day. I had yet to find that one thing that fulfilled me and motivated me to get up and go to work every day. I was starting to question my abilities and life trajectory, that is until I saw a psychic who summed up my purpose in all but a few seconds.

‘You were put on this earth for knowledge and nothing else, You will swap and change direction all the time, go down one path for a while, and then change. Everything is a piece of the jigsaw puzzle.’ Ok great, but what did this mean for me? She went on to explain that I had creation on my hands and that I must write, regardless of whether I make money or not. She told me to not worry about my career too much and stop caring what others think. ‘If you want to be a hairdresser, be a hairdresser. If you want to be a prostitute one week do that, for everything you are doing will make the big picture.’ She told me that I lose interest very quickly so to take on smaller projects such as ‘short courses, write short stories, songs, poems, and pursue jobs that have lots of variety such as a librarian, researcher, website developer. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as you are constantly learning new things all the time.’ Within a few minutes, I had felt more understood by anyone than I ever have before and all that I had given her was my date of birth. Her validation is exactly what I needed. I was overwhelmed with relief that the path I was on was the right one and that everything had a purpose. I was exactly where I needed to be.

Some less encouraging details around my finances, she explained writing takes a lot of effort to make money and is virtually impossible but it’s a journey you have to go down so don’t dismiss it. Coming to terms with the idea of life as a struggling artist is something I needed to accept if I wanted to pursue my dream to become a writer. Sometimes I feel it is rather a curse than a blessing to have creation on your hands. Why couldn’t I just suck it up like most and take on a full-time salary office job, make a decent wage, and be done with it? Restlessness and dissatisfaction will continue to rear its head as soon as I go down a path lead by money. I am not fulfilling my life purpose if I do not at least try to entertain the idea that I could be a writer. Thankfully the psychic said my money line was average, and that she ‘doesn’t see me falling into a heap.’ So perhaps I will walk through this life just comfortable enough to get by, which I am willing to accept in exchange for my creative freedom.

Although I do believe we make our own success, I can’t help but think we are all put on this earth for a reason. Each of us unique and intended to offer something specific to the world. The more you resist, the louder it becomes. I had decided that my first writing piece should be about my experience or enlightenment as such. Even if you don’t believe in psychics, it does benefit you to ask these questions, almost like a therapy session or a mirror being held up against you. It offers a chance for self-reflection. According to numerology, I am a number six. There’s six energy in your numerology chart if any of your calculations reduce to six, or you were born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th. My birth date is December 15. The symbolic meaning of six is creation and completeness. The number six is highly creative because it contains a double essence of three. I feel a sense of relief that I can go down this path now with confidence. It is the permission I needed, as self-doubt, external voices, and ideas of who I should be, have so far gotten in the way of any action. Her final words of encouragement were ‘Don’t judge yourself, you’ve got to love what you do. It’s not about money. Money is nice and we all need money but you must not ignore what you were meant to do, and that is to create.’



Tiara Swain

Freelance writer. Contributing writer for frankie magazine and Fashion Journal. Australian who lived in New York City for six years. 📍Geelong..